Thursday, July 1, 2010

Elegance and sophistication like no other

Happy July 1st everyone! Today's our day to crank up the Canadian patriotism, watch fireworks, and for many, get incredibly wasted (me). I've never been prouder to be Canadian! You know what else I'm proud of? Mauritian culture. Because it's only us Mauritians who name our food after the feces of various animals.

Currently, my grandparents are living at my house and I've been learning a lot about Mauritian food in general...

The other day I had CACA PIZON (translates as "Pigeon poo". I believe there's an Indian name for it too... but I'm pretty sure that's not tainted with the creative minds of the Mauritian imagination.)

This morning for breakfast I had CACA SAT (below) : I'LL LET YOU GUYS GUESS WHICH type of animal poo it is. Wow, well there's a sentence I'd never thought I'd say.

It never ceases to amaze me just what a refined, sophisticated bunch we are.

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