Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Talk to the screen, the face don't want to hear it

Hello there upper east siders,
I don't know what to write about. And that was a super lame intro.

I hate to admit this, but my social skills (which were already limited to begin with) have deteriorated so much due to texting, msn, and social networking sites. I always find it so weird how I can have such great conversations with someone online, but when we meet face to face, it just becomes plain old awkward. It's during these very moments where you learn to truly appreciate the value of certain filler words such as "lmao" or "lol". To be honest, the only thing that goes through my head is "what should we talk about next?" or "boy, this is awkward." HAHA I wonder if there is actually a term to describe these type of relationships. Hmm... they should be called "friends with an internet connection" kind of like "friends with benefits" but not really. Is that lame? I guess so.

1 comment:

  1. LOLL
    BUT YOU HARDLY EVEN GO ON MSN, OR FB, NOR DO YOU TEXT ! (well me anyway haha)
