I like Vespa scooters
or an "Italian line of scooters manufactured by Piaggio" (Piaggio! What a cute name... sounds like Fabio and makes me want to do the italian gesture thing where you bring all your fingers together and wave it up and down. I think that gesture means the F word...
In my opinion, vespas look so much sleeker in design than motorcycles (obviously, I don't think that's the look they were going for anyways). Maybe that's due to my stereotypical image of motorcyclists who have cross tattoos and who wear leather pants in order to satisfy their inevitable mid-life crises. Ever since I watched WILD HOGS a few years back in theatres (terrible decision on my part) I can't help but associate motorcycle gangs with Tim Allen and other forty-something year olds trying to re-live the golden days... but this isn't even supposed to be about motorcycles.
VESPAS, on the other hand,remind me of Rome. Yes, I watched the Lizzie McGuire movie and yes, I'm a sucker for Mary-kate and Ashley travelling movies ( woot When in Rome!). Perhaps that's the reason why I associate VESPAS with the care-free Italian life and cobble stone streets and romance and all that goes with European loveliness.
I hate violent hiccups!(apparently some people call it hiccough)
aka "a violent spasm of the diaphram which makes you look like you're having a seizure."
Lately I've been having hiccups more often, I'm not sure why. I think I read somewhere that hiccups happen when you eat too fast or you don't chew your food properly. If it's the latter, then that totally makes sense. Because without my molars working as they should, I've had to swallow stuff that just shouldn't be swallowed (that's what she said). Equally confusing to me, is what to do after you hiccup. What is the etiquette? Are you supposed to say "excuse me?" It's not a cough... it's not a sneeze either. I hope it's not put on the same level as a burp, cause there have been countless times where I've hiccupped without saying excuse me! And are you supposed to say it everytime you hiccup? I know, I'm really raising thought provoking discussion here...
Hi, could I ask you where did you find a picture of the "V" at the top of this blog post?