Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You choob

I'm writing this blog on a computer that is "réservé aux adultes"... the rebellion begins here. Cue the epic music. Just kidding.

Since vidcon ended successfully, it makes me happy that youtubers have stepped away from the computer screens to meet each other in person! I know they usually do this anyways, but it's interesting to realize that yes, vloggers do indeed have legs and have a "real life" outside of editing videos fit for the internet. They actually have parties!

And it got me thinking about just how awesome youtube is. HOW INNOVATIVE youtube is. Anyone can be an e-lebrity these days... and yes, I do agree that there is a lot of unnecessary crap on youtube, but I truly truly TRULY believe that youtube is the best invention (is invention the word in this context?) of the decade for two reasons!

e.g. " hey did you hear about the hamster who danses on a piano while eating popcorn?"
"that's funny!"
"let's be friends."
Somehow, inevitably, youtube will slip in quietly into many of the conversations you have, and you can't deny it. And there's always that one person in your circle of friends who are always in the know in the online world about this stuff. That, or they just watch a lot of RWJ.

e.g. that video with the ginger guy who doesn't want to be bullied anymore... or the guy who was extremely angry at the Eaton centre closing. The latter was spontaneous and was not meant to go viral, but is nonetheless FUNNY.
Youtube comments alone are enough to make me laugh ridiculously, especially haters. Sorry, but at times, HATRED is HILARIOUS. BAAAM alliteration ftw.

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